Need to talk to a doctor? Get the medical help you need without leaving your home.

Talk to a physician without leaving your home today!

  • Unlimited 24/7 Access to Board-Certified Doctors.
  • Enroll Your Family for $17.95 per Month.
  • No Contracts. No Paperwork. No Waiting.
  • Pay Monthly and Use It Now!

Speak With a Doctor Now!

Worried about the Coronavirus (Covid-19)?

Give us a call!

Provide your address and billing information in the form. With your first payment, you can schedule a doctor consultation immediately. Get the treatment you need. Today.

Step 1 of 2: Provide your information.

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Please enter a valid phone number with the area code. This field is required.
You must agree to the terms before continuing to the next step.

30 Day Money Back Guarantee. Consultations through Carefree M.D. are not available in Washington.

Your First Payment Unlocks Your Unlimited Access

Once we receive your first payment, you can set up your account and schedule your first doctor consultation by phone or online - in just minutes.

  • Just $17.95/month
  • It works for your entire household
  • Unlimited 24/7 access to board-certified doctors
  • No paperwork or waiting - You can use it today
  • Month-to-month service with no contracts

Step 2 of 2: Unlock your access for $17.95

Credit Card Number is required. Credit Card Number is invalid. Exp Date is required. Exp Date is invalid. We only accept VISA, American Express, Mastercard and Discover. Card verification value is invalid. Card verification value is required.
You must agree to the terms before continuing to the next step.

30 Day Money Back Guarantee. Consultations through Carefree M.D. are not available in Washington.

Thank You

You are now a Carefree MD + Home Expense Protection member! Your wellness is our only goal. Our team is ready to help you find a faster easier solution to your medical problems without leaving your home or office. We are here for you 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Please check your email or mail for your Carefree M.D. benefit information. Once you receive it, if you have any questions please call


To get started, click the Log In button below and follow the instructions provided.

Log In

We're Sorry.

Our system has encountered an error, and your enrollment cannot be processed at this time. You can submit again by clicking the button below, or give us a call at 888-899-8297 so we can get you taken care of.

30 Day Money Back Guarantee. Consultations through Carefree M.D. are not available in Washington.

The Easiest and Fastest Way to See a Doctor.

Worried about the Coronavirus (Covid-19)? Call us today!

  • Request an Appointment

    Schedule an Appointment Anytime

    Once you've registered your account online, you can log into the site and choose a date and time that works for you. You'll receive a call or video visit from a doctor in under 30 minutes, on average

    24/7 Medical Treatment

    Work during the day? Busy schedule? No worries. Our doctors are ready to assist you. 24 hours a day. 7 Days a week. 365 Days a year.

  • Speak With a Doctor

    Speak with a Board-Certified Physician

    Using your phone or computer, you can speak to a doctor who can evaluate, diagnose, and prescribe medication when medically necessary - all from the privacy of your home or office!

    No Time Limits

    Most appointments only take about 10 minutes. But don't feel rushed. Take your time to get the treatment you need and the comfort you deserve.

  • Get an Effective Treatment Plan

    Schedule an Appointment Anytime

    You can log into the site to choose a date and time that works best for you. You'll receive a call or video visit from a doctor in less than 30 minutes (on average).

    Evenings and Weekends

    Do you work during the day? No problem. Our doctors can assist you anytime - 24 hours a day/ 7 days a week/ 365 days a year.

Need Care Right Now?

Chat with a doctor over voice or video today! Whether day or night, you'll get the care you and your family urgently need. Plus, there are no limits to how long or how often you call with Carefree M.D.

Worried about the Coronavirus (Covid-19)? Call us today!

Common medical concerns your Doctor-On-Call can help you with include:

  • Allergies
  • Headaches
  • Rashes
  • Small Wounds
  • Skin Inflammations
  • Sinus Conditions
  • Bronchitis
  • Respiratory Infections
  • Fever
  • Pink Eye
  • Flu
  • Asthma
  • Heartburn
  • Sports Injuries
  • Sore Throat
  • Nausea

Getting Better Just Got Easier — Make Your Next Doctor Visit Carefree

No more long waits or taking time off work. You can log into your account and visit with a doctor at the time that's most convenient for you.

Avoid costly office visits or non-emergency ER visits. With Carefree M.D., there are no bills or long-term commitments.

Traveling to work? On vacation? Too busy to schedule an in-person visit? Get access to top-notch healthcare no matter where you are!