Carefree M.D. Blog

The Benefits of Telehealth

Carefree MD

June 10, 2024 | Blog

We’re fortunate to live in a digital world that provides us with a variety of conveniences. We use the internet for all sorts of things–shopping, communicating with friends, staying in touch with work, creating and so much more.

In a time where we look to the internet for almost everything we do, there’s no denying the digital world is more convenient and accessible than ever.

In the last several years, another avenue in the online world has opened up a new possibility–telehealth.

What might have seemed absurd a few decades ago is now possible. Telehealth and online doctor visits are a standard part of our society nowadays, with many people opting to forgo stepping into a traditional doctor’s office and instead choosing to log on for a virtual health visit.

For someone who’s just discovering the world of telehealth, though, the jump might seem daunting.

In this article, we’re sharing the top benefits of online doctor visits that we think every potential patient should know about.

Further, we’ll chat about when it’s the right time to opt for an online appointment versus when an in-person visit is a must.


● Embracing Digital Health: The rise of telehealth and online doctor visits reflects the increasing convenience and accessibility of healthcare services in our digital age.

● Enhanced Comfort: Online doctor visits allow you to receive medical care from the comfort of your own home, eliminating the need to travel or wait in uncomfortable waiting rooms.

● Increased Convenience: By bypassing the need for travel and minimizing waiting times, online appointments offer a more streamlined and convenient healthcare experience.

● Reduced Risk of Infections: Avoiding crowded waiting areas helps mitigate the risk of exposure to infectious illnesses, providing peace of mind for both patients and healthcare providers.

● Cost Savings: Online doctor visits tend to be more affordable than traditional in-person appointments, with reduced overhead costs translating to savings for patients.

● Faster Care: Telehealth services often provide quicker access to medical attention compared to in-person visits, with the potential for same-day or next-day appointments.

● Comparable Quality of Care: Studies indicate that telehealth appointments offer a comparable level of care to traditional in-person visits, with high patient satisfaction rates and positive feedback on doctor communication and coordination.

● Improved Access to Healthcare: Online health services break down barriers to accessing care, particularly benefiting those in rural areas, individuals with limited mobility, caregivers, and those needing specialized or multilingual care.

● Choosing Between Telehealth and In-Person Visits: Deciding whether to opt for a telehealth visit or an in-person appointment can be challenging but crucial for effective healthcare management.

● Affordable Healthcare Solutions: With Carefree M.D.'s telehealth benefit program, patients can save on online health visits, bridging the gap left by medical insurance and reducing healthcare costs.

Online Doctor Visits: The Must-Know Benefits of Telehealth Appointments

The Top 7 Benefits of Online Doctor Visits

Additional Comfort

Imagine being able to sit back, relax and wait for your doctor to start your appointment from the comfort of your own home. With online doctor visits, this picture of perfection is an actual reality.

When you’re sick–even if it’s a mild illness–gathering the motivation to make yourself presentable, get in the car, drive to your appointment and wait in an uncomfortable office seem insurmountable.

(And to be honest, it doesn’t sound all that pleasant even if you’re in perfect health).

With online appointments, you can stay cozy in your own home, not have to worry about the discomfort of piling into a car and avoid the less-than-cozy waiting room scenario, too. You can meet with your doctor from your couch or bed, stay in your comfortable clothing and never once have to worry about your appearance.


Convenience goes hand in hand with comfort. With online appointments, you get some obvious immediate benefits.

Let’s say your actual doctor appointment takes 15-25 minutes–this includes the time you’re talking with your doctor and getting your treatment.

For an in-person scenario, you have to get yourself to the office, bide time in a waiting room until the doctor is ready, chat with the nurses, wait in the exam room, chat with your doctor and then find your way home, too.

This could take anywhere from 1-3 hours, depending on your cirucmstances, and that was all for those 15-25 minutes of face-time with your doctor.

Telehealth appointments eliminate that excess time, ensuring you’re getting the convenience of streamlined appointments without the fluff.

You can forgo the drive, bus ride or walk to and from the doctor’s office. But further than that, you get the convenience of not having to rearrange your life.

You likely don’t have to find childcare, you won’t have to rework your schedule, and you probably won’t need someone to cover you for your daily responsibilities. Even if you’re in the office and battling a mild illness, your appointment can happen on break in your own office–you don’t need to take time off to do it. A quick pop into a private space for a 20-minute online appointment can do the trick.

Control of Infections

Even though when patients step into a doctor’s office they have an inherent understanding of germ exposure that doesn’t necessarily mean they want it. If you’re already under the weather and dealing with a tired immune system, it’s highly likely you don’t want to try to battle something else you caught at the doctor’s office.

Alternatively, you also probably don’t want the added responsibility of trying to keep your distance and not infect others with whatever illness you’re dealing with (mild or not).

Online doctor visits eliminate the possibility of exposure. This gives you peace of mind that you’re not spreading–or catching–an illness in a doctor’s office.

Reduced Costs

Though it’s impossible to make a blanket statement for every telehealth offering, online doctor visits do tend to be more affordable than in-person visits.

In a 2017 study, it was reported that the average patient (included in the study) spent about $79 per telehealth visit for an acute respiratory infection. The average cost for an in-person visit for a comparable reason was closer to about $146.

Generally, because there’s less overhead for telehealth offices and programs, the cost of care isn’t as expensive. Further, the additional costs you don’t have to worry about (like childcare, transport and time off work), save you money, too.

Quicker Care

Though every telehealth platform is different, you can generally receive faster care through telehealth than in-person appointments.

In many U.S. cities, the average wait time to get into a doctor’s office (as a new patient) is about 26 days. With telehealth, you can usually get a same-day (if not the next day) online appointment.

Some offer you even faster availability than that.

For example, at Carefree M.D., our members can request a consult and receive a video call from one of our doctors in under 30 minutes, on average.

Provides Comparable Care to In-Person

In 2020, a survey was published that found most people rated telehealth appointments just as good as their traditional, in-person visits. In fact, the study includes key statements, like:

● “Patient experience with telehealth visits was as positive as or more positive than that with traditional office-based visits”

● “Doctor communication on tele-video visits was viewed as slightly more positive than that of in-office or phone visits.”

● “Tele-video visits were also slightly more positive than in-office visits for care coordination, overall rating of the doctor, and willingness to recommend to family and friends.”

Better Access to Care

For some, an in-person appointment can be convenient, quick and seamless. For others, though, access to an in-person doctor isn’t possible or probable.

Telehealth removes a ton of obstacles and barriers that could get in the way of someone visiting their doctor.

Telehealth gives a variety of people access to care they otherwise might not have, such as:

● Those who live in a rural area with limited access to care or transport to care

● People with limited physical mobility or disabilities

● Those who are caregivers themselves

● People who need to see a specialist but may not have on in their area

● People who speak different languages and may not be able to communicate with the doctors in their area

When to Contact an Online Doctor

One of the most challenging factors of telehealth (from a patient's perspective, anyway) is knowing when a telehealth visit is the right route forward and when an in-person visit is a much better decision.

Admittedly, there are obvious indicators where most would understand telehealth can’t help (a broken arm, an open wound, an emergency medical event, etc.). But what about smaller, more common issues? When can you tell which path is the right way forward?

Something minor, like a low-grade fever, could be the perfect circumstance to schedule an telehealth appointment. But what about symptoms like ongoing eye pressure or urinary tract infections?

As a note, it’s always the right time to point out that an illness or condition that requires immediate medical attention should always mandate a visit to an in-person doctor as quickly as possible.

At Carefree M.D., we’re proud to help our online patients with a variety of ailments and conditions. Here are a few circumstances and conditions that align with telehealth visits.

● Allergies

● Headaches

● Rashes

● Small wounds

● Sports injuries

● Bronchitis

● Respiratory infections

● Pink Eye

● Sinus conditions

● Nausea

● Fever

● Flu

● Asthma

● Skin inflammations

● Heartburn

● Sore throat

If these symptoms sound like something you might be dealing with, a telehealth appointment could be the right avenue for you.

On the flip side, here are a few scenarios where an in-person doctor or emergency attention is likely the right route.

● Urgent symptoms like shortness of breath

● Acute new symptoms (abdominal pain, hip pain, low back pain)

● Persistent and recurring cough in addition to shortness of breath

● Annual physical wellness exams

● Vaccinations

● Broken bones

● Open wounds

● Infections

● Post-accident trauma

● Cuts that require stitches

● Concussions

● Chest pain or pressure (or any other signs of a heart attack)

● Bleeding

Our Online Doctors are Here For You–Carefree M.D.

Need to see a doctor fast? We can help. At Carefree M.D., we specialize in providing quick, efficient and seamless online service to our valued patients. Our qualified doctors are prepared to provide you with comfortable, convenient and successful appointments.

We know that medical care has the potential to be expensive. That’s why Carefree M.D. has created an accessible telehealth benefit program that can help you avoid costly office visits or non-emergency ER visits. With Carefree M.D., there are no bills or long-term commitments. The good news? When you join Carefree M.D., you can request a consultation and receive a call or video visit from a doctor in less than 30 minutes (on average).

Our state-licensed and board-certified physicians can diagnose an illness, create a treatment plan, and even prescribe medications when medically necessary for you without needing to leave your home or office.

If you’re seeking fast and convenient care, Carefree M.D. can (and will) help.

The Carefree MD blog is not meant to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. The text and pictures within the content are intended for information purposes only. Readers should consult with a licensed doctor or healthcare professional before seeking treatment.

The Carefree MD Card is not insurance and Carefree MD is not an insurance provider.