Carefree M.D. Blog

Tips for Getting the Most Out of Your Online Doctor Visit

Carefree MD

June 24, 2024 | Blog

An online doctor’s appointment can be one of the most seamless, stress-free medical appointments you will ever experience.

But for those who have never met with a telehealth provider or might be experiencing health online for the first time, the prospect of an online doctor’s appointment can feel daunting.

Telehealth has a ton of excellent benefits for busy people–they can meet with qualified doctors fast, get treatment ASAP, and even save on care because they’re meeting with their healthcare providers online.

Still, if you’re not sure what to expect and don’t know how to address a first-time online doctor visit, it has the potential to feel like an overwhelming blur of an experience.

In this article, we’ll share our top tips for how patients like you can extract the most value out of their appointments and ensure they’re getting the best experiences when they schedule an online doctor visit.


● Prepare in Advance: Research and understand what to expect, anticipate the video format and note down symptoms and follow-up instructions.

● Clarify Appointment Details: Contact the provider for clear instructions, ensure privacy, and avoid interruptions.

● Make a List of Questions: Write down concerns beforehand to stay focused during the appointment.

● Describe Symptoms Clearly: Prepare descriptive language to articulate symptoms effectively.

● Embrace Telehealth Benefits: Appreciate advantages such as comfort, convenience, reduced infection risk, cost savings, faster access to care, and improved accessibility.

● Take Notes During the Appointment: Record important details and advice for future reference.

● Organize Medical History: Gather and organize relevant documents for streamlined discussions.

● Check Internet Connection: Ensure stable connectivity to prevent disruptions.

● Ask for Clarification: Don't hesitate to seek clarification or further explanation during the appointment.

● Consider Insurance Coverage: Opt for providers accepting insurance or offering health savings plans.

● Consider Carefree M.D.: Trust for fast, reliable telehealth services catering to various common health issues.

How to Get the Most Out Of Your Online Doctor Visit

If you’re on the fence about scheduling your online doctor visit, this article can help. We’ll explore what you can expect and what steps you can take before your visit to ensure you’re getting the absolute most out of your telehealth experience.

Know What to Expect Ahead of Time

The best way to ensure the time spent on your actual appointment is streamlined and seamless is to prepare ahead of time by knowing what to expect. If you’ve never had a telehealth appointment, it’s likely a little overwhelming to try to map out what you can expect.

But by setting expectations and doing a little research, you can outline what happens on a typical call. We’ve got a few elements for you to consider while preparing.

● Accept the fact that every online health appointment will look and feel a little different–every doctor has a different protocol and style

● Don’t try to fit your online appointment into the same boxes as in-person visits. While they do have some overlap, many of these appointments will feel different than in-person appointments (and that can be a good thing)

● It’s likely you’ll have a video call during your appointment. While some doctors might allow audio calls, an online health appointment typically includes a video appointment so a doctor can physically see you.

● Depending on where you’re having your online appointment, you might need to download an app

● Most online appointments are like in-person appointments in their formatting. You’ll probably share insight into your experience and your symptoms so your doctor can fully understand the scope of your condition

● After you talk about symptoms, your doctor will probably move into the diagnostic and treatment phases of the appointment. Typically, they’ll write a prescription or share their knowledge on what comes next. Sometimes, they’ll write a prescription for any medication you might need. In some cases, they’ll suggest you come in for an in-person consultation for further discussion, tests, or treatment.

● Follow-up instructions will probably come next. Your doctor will recommend next steps and how you can get back in touch with them for a follow-up appointment or check-in.

Get Clear Instructions Before Your Appointment

If you want to make sure your appointment runs smoothly as possible, reach out to whomever you’ve scheduled your appointment with (a local office who offers online appointments or a membership like Carefree M.D.) and see if they can provide you with instructions and expectations for telehealth appointments.

In most cases, online appointments will include easy-to-follow guidelines and instructions for how to access your appointment and what to expect throughout.

Arrange for a Private Area to Have Your Appointment

The last thing you want to happen during your appointment is an untimely interruption or a lack of privacy. To get the absolute most out of your online health visit, make sure you figure out where in your home, office, or space you can arrange a private session.

Make sure you’re in a space where you feel comfortable, can talk with your doctor candidly, and won’t be interrupted.

Leaving this to the last minute could leave you without a proper space and might inhibit you from sharing all the necessary information with your doctor.

Write Down Your Questions Ahead of Time

If you have questions about your condition, the process of your appointment, or treatment, make sure you write these down ahead of time.

Often, it can be easy to forget what you want to ask your doctor while you’re taking part in your appointment. Writing everything down ahead of time can help you stay focused and on track, ensuring you don’t hop off your appointment call and realize you missed out on asking a crucial question.

Identify Your Symptoms First

Take some time to thoughtfully analyze and put descriptive words to your symptoms or condition ahead of your appointment. Trying to explain these things on the spot during your call might leave you wanting the right words that could help your doctor best diagnose you.

Before your call, think hard about what you’re experiencing and, if necessary, write down some descriptive words to best communicate these things to your doctor.

Embrace the Benefits of Online Health Appointments

The best way to get the most out of your online appointment? Bask in the benefits of a telehealth visit. Online health appointments offer you a variety of benefits you simply can’t get from an in-person visit, like:

● Enhanced Comfort: Online doctor visits mean getting medical care from the comfort of your own home. That means you don’t have to travel or spend time in uncomfortable waiting rooms.

● Increased Convenience: What’s more convenient than avoiding a crowded room of other sick people, not having to worry about transportation, and skipping the process of finding childcare or taking off work?

● Reduced Risk of Infections: Mitigate the risk of exposure to infectious illnesses, providing peace of mind for both patients and healthcare providers.

● Cost Savings: These appointments are usually more affordable than traditional in-person appointments due to reduced overhead costs, which translate into savings for patients.

● Faster Care: Telehealth services often provide quicker access to medical attention compared to in-person visits, with the potential for same-day or next-day appointments.

● Comparable Quality of Care: Studies indicate that telehealth appointments offer a comparable level of care to traditional in-person visits, with high patient satisfaction rates and positive feedback on doctor communication and coordination.

● Improved Access to Healthcare: Online health services break down barriers to accessing care, particularly benefiting those in rural areas, individuals with limited mobility, caregivers, and those needing specialized or multilingual care.

Be Ready to Take Notes

To truly soak up the most from your appointment, make sure you have a way to record what the doctor is saying. This way, you can be present in your appointment without the pressure of recalling every detail of what your doctor said from memory.

When you take notes, you can refer back to exactly what the doctor advised–this way, you won’t mix up any guidance or treatment they recommend.

Prepare Your Medical History Ahead of Time

Take the time before your appointment to get your medical history, forms, and information gathered and organized.

Often, your doctor will ask you questions about your medical history, and if you don’t have that information readily available or organized, you might spend a portion of your appointment hunting it down.

Make sure you’re organized and up to date on all of your medical history so you can use your appointment to chat with your doctor.

Check Your Internet Connection Before Your Call

The worst thing that could happen on your virtual appointment? Your internet connection was failing! Because online appointments happen over the Internet, you’ll need to make sure your connection is steady, available, and reliable.

The last thing you want to happen on your call is to get going with your doctor and then get disconnected because your internet connection wasn’t stable!

Set up a test call in the area you plan to have your online health appointment to make sure that your video stream is seamless and streamlined.

Be Prepared to Ask for Clarification & Next Steps

You know how we mentioned writing down questions to ask? That’s just one part of the equation. Undoubtedly, questions will arise during your appointment with your doctor.

The best thing you can do is ask (in the moment!) for clarification and explanation if you need it while your call is happening. That way, you won’t leave your appointment feeling lost or confused about what your next steps are.

Work with a Doctor Who Aligns with Your Payment Methods

To truly get the absolute most out of your online doctor’s appointment, work with an organization that provides you with discount savings plans or other health insurance options. Trust us; nothing is worse than spending your appointment worried about how you’ll pay for your care.

Our Best Advice? Trust Carefree M.D.

If you’re looking for fast, reliable care that helps you heal, look no further than Carefree M.D.

Experiencing any of these common problems? Our doctors on call can help!

● Allergies

● Headaches

● Rashes

● Small wounds

● Sinus conditions

● Nausea

● Fever

● Flu

● Asthma

● Skin inflammations

● Heartburn

● Sore throat

When you join Carefree M.D., you can request a consult and receive a call or video visit. Our state-licensed and board-certified physicians are available to assist you day or night, no matter what, without you needing to leave your home or office.

Your health is our priority–but so is minimizing the cost of quality health care. Avoid costly office visits or non-emergency ER visits. With Carefree M.D., there are no bills or long-term commitments. Get access to top-notch healthcare no matter where you are.

The Carefree MD blog is not meant to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. The text and pictures within the content are intended for information purposes only. Readers should consult with a licensed doctor or healthcare professional before seeking treatment. The Carefree MD Card is not insurance, and Carefree MD is not an insurance provider.